Categories for Health, Cell, Body

Millions are suffering from autoimmune disease and debilitating symptoms. What medication-free options do they have?

Is your immune system working against you? Changes to your diet could provide relief. Dr. Michael D. Lockshin (Prof. of Medicine and Obstetrics-Gynecology, Weill Cornell Medicine) speaking to Yahoo! Lifestyle confirms that lifestyle factors, such as diet, can impact your immune system in different ways. That can include people who suffer from autoimmune diseases like: Rheumatoid arthritis Type 1 Diabetes Lupus Celiac Disease Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis…

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Alcat Food Sensitivity Comparisons

Overview Food is obviously the foundation of nutrition and its quality and quantity will determine how healthy or how sick an individual will be. But what happens when one has an adverse reaction to the very thing they require to live? Basically, an adverse reaction to food appears to be either toxic (e.g. food poisoning) or non-toxic. A non-toxic adverse reaction takes one of three…

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The Huffington Post – Watching What You Put In Your Mouth Can Reduce Health Care Spending More Than Politicians

Last month Cell Science Systems was featured in The Huffington Post and our CEO, Roger Deutsch, discussed how taking action in preventive care can reduce overall health care spending. Results of the Alcat Test were explained, “Once patients learn how they react to certain foods, they can use that information to modify their diets in ways that can prevent or reduce the affects of chronic…

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Research demonstrates effects of dietary intervention based on Alcat Test results on body composition and bio-markers of inflammation

The following is a summary of results obtained from a double-blinded, placebo-controlled human subject study on the Alcat test. Professor and researcher Judith Lukaszuk, RDN, LDN is a licensed dietitian in the state of Illinois. She holds a Master’s degree in nutrition and a Ph.D. in exercise physiology. Judith currently works at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb Illinois. Effect of Alcat-Based Food Elimination on Inflammatory…

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(new book) Immunology 4th edition: Clinical Applications in Health and Disease

Immunology IV: Clinical Applications in Health and Disease, is the most recent contribution in immunology to be authored by Dr.  Joseph A. Bellanti and with the publication of this landmark fourth edition all the new findings, knowledge and research in immunology are brought together in one comprehensive, up-to-date volume. The perfect solution not only for faculty seeking to fully present this complex scientific discipline to…

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