Categories for News

Is Avoiding Gluten Enough?

The New Year is the time when everyone looks back and swears not to repeat the mistakes of the past year by making firm resolutions to eat healthy, exercise more, and lose the extra pounds. The fact that we do so every year implies that many of us did not achieve our hopes despite our resolutions last year, the year before that, and so on.…

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Alcat vs. IgG Testing

Overwhelmed by the plethora of food sensitivity tests your patients ask about? The Alcat Test  for Food and Chemical Sensitivities is the most reliable.  But is it an IgG test? Nutrition is biochemistry and one size does not fit all When it comes to achieving good nutrition and being on the path to optimal health, individualization is crucial.   As described by Roger Williams, author of…

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Diet for One? Scientists Stalk the Dream of Personalized Nutrition

No single food regimen works for everyone. A new study is the most comprehensive effort yet to understand why. A decade ago, spurred by the success of the Human Genome Project and the affordability of genetic sequencing, scientists began to explore the promise of “nutrigenomics.” Could personalized nutrition, informed by knowledge of an individual’s DNA, help prevent and even treat diet-related diseases? The results of…

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9 Extremely Subtle Signs You Have Too Much Inflammation in Your Body

If you’re experiencing signs your body has inflammation, it can crop up in the form of various symptoms, and be a sign of a number of different health concerns. Usually, inflammation is associated with joint health, since arthritis is one of the top causes of pain and swelling. But inflammation can be associated with other health concerns, beyond swollen joints. While you’ll want to tell…

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‘Ultraprocessed’ foods may make you eat more, clinical trial suggests

Something about the industrial processing of food makes us more likely to overeat, according to a new study. Volunteers ate more and gained more weight on a heavily processed diet than an unprocessed one, even when the two diets had the same available calories and nutrients. The study is “a landmark first,” and a “shot over the bow” in a debate over the health of…

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Raw and Red-Hot

Could Inflammation be the Cause of Myriad Chronic Conditions? In 2007, associate professor of medicine Samia Mora and colleagues published a study of exercise that sought to understand why physical activity is salutary. They already knew that exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease as much as cholesterol-lowering statin drugs do. By analyzing biomarkers in the blood of 27,055 women participating in a long-term study,…

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Interview – Identifying Food Sensitivity and Intolerance

“When it comes to testing, you can always count on a lively debate about how to best identify food sensitivity and intolerance. In this interview we review recent clinical and mechanistic research on the ALCAT test, including studies conducted by Yale School of Medicine and other institutions. In addition, general advice will be given about how food testing can help integrative practitioners create personalized diets…

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Alcat News Revisited

We found some great articles that were published in 2005 about the Alcat test: Food Intolerance, Low Carb Diets and ALCAT Testing | Managing Food Intolerance: The Pros and Cons of the ALCAT test

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Medical Researchers Find a Biomarker for Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Although only an estimated 1% of the US population has celiac disease, millions more, 11% of US households, eat gluten free. Celiac is an autoimmune disease whereby the immune cells attack the lining of the small intestine, resulting in malabsorption and greater risk of diabetes and other autoimmune disorders. Strict avoidance of gluten is mandatory for people with celiac disease. But, millions of people believe…

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