Judith M. Lukaszuk, , Masih Shokrani, , Priyanka Ghosh Roy, , Jodi Hoppensteadt, Josephine Umoren Published Online: 5 Oct 2018 https://doi.org/10.1089/act.2018.29183.jml Abstract Background: Inflammation in the body may be exacerbated by food intolerances, which often go undiagnosed due to delayed symptoms and improper testing. The antigen leukocyte cellular activation test (Alcat), a food intolerance test, determines leucocytic response to specific foods. Objective: This study aimed to determine…
Continue reading →A leukocyte activation test identifies food items which induce release of DNA by innate immune peripheral blood leucocytes Irma Garcia-Martinez, Theresa R. Weiss, Muhammad N. Yousaf, Ather Ali† and Wajahat Z. Mehal† †Contributed equally Published in BioMedCentral, Nutrition and Metabolism View Publication Abstract Background Leukocyte activation (LA) testing identifies food items that induce a patient specific cellular response in the immune system,…
Continue reading →Overview Food is obviously the foundation of nutrition and its quality and quantity will determine how healthy or how sick an individual will be. But what happens when one has an adverse reaction to the very thing they require to live? Basically, an adverse reaction to food appears to be either toxic (e.g. food poisoning) or non-toxic. A non-toxic adverse reaction takes one of three…
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Continue reading →Late Breaking Abstract #25806 Effect of Alcat-Based Food Elimination on Inflammation Markers, Presented at the Clinical Nutrition Conference Series April 8 – 10, 2016 at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Dr. J. M. Lukaszuk, PhD, RDN, LDN1 M. Shokrani, PhD2, J. Hoppensteadt, MS,1 and J. Umoren, PhD1 (1) School of Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, (2) School of…
Continue reading →The following is a summary of results obtained from a double-blinded, placebo-controlled human subject study on the Alcat test. Professor and researcher Judith Lukaszuk, RDN, LDN is a licensed dietitian in the state of Illinois. She holds a Master’s degree in nutrition and a Ph.D. in exercise physiology. Judith currently works at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb Illinois. Effect of Alcat-Based Food Elimination on Inflammatory…
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