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Lab Appreciation Week 2017

      Last week we celebrated Lab Appreciation Week. Our laboratory and our scientific team members are the lifeblood of our company (pun intended).  During this week we showered them with catered lunches, an ice cream party and gift bags.  Needless to say, we love our lab. “We have the best lab technicians in the industry.” – Dr. Linda DiCicco, Laboratory Director “This was…

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Gut Microbes and Gluten: Your Bacteria Might Be Gluten-Sensitive

Most health-conscious people know about celiac disease, in which the wheat protein gluten leads to an immune reaction that causes serious damage to the lining of the small intestine.   Certain features of gluten make it more likely to induce immune responses than other proteins. One key difference is that gluten is less amenable to being broken down by the enzymes that normally digest proteins.…

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