Dr. Jamie Wright talks “One on One” with Dr. David Brady about his new book, The Fibro Fix, and his 20 years of efforts to resolve the misdiagnosis of Fibromyalgia. “…initial diagnosis is accurate only 34% of the time.” Says Dr. Brady which is less than the flip of a coin. Patients with Fibromyalgia are not getting the treatment they actually need and are…
Continue reading →Alcat Test: New, Improved Report Design
By CSS Team
We would like to introduce you to our new test results report which will provide all patients’ test results in an easy to read and informative document. This new layout will display data that was previously not printed such as the number of antigens tested as well as resolve any confusion of locating sensitivities of products that fall into larger categories such as whey or gluten.…
Continue reading →Research demonstrates effects of dietary intervention based on Alcat Test results on body composition and bio-markers of inflammation
By Beth Ellen DiLuglio, MS, RDN, CCN, LDN
The following is a summary of results obtained from a double-blinded, placebo-controlled human subject study on the Alcat test. Professor and researcher Judith Lukaszuk, RDN, LDN is a licensed dietitian in the state of Illinois. She holds a Master’s degree in nutrition and a Ph.D. in exercise physiology. Judith currently works at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb Illinois. Effect of Alcat-Based Food Elimination on Inflammatory…
Continue reading →Why MTHFR testing alone is not enough
By Beth Ellen DiLuglio, MS, RDN, CCN, LDN
About the Author Beth Ellen DiLuglio, MS, RDN, CCN, LDN is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian with a 20 year history of certification in nutrition support. Beth earned a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition from Columbia University in New York City. She earned her Bachelor’s in Biology/Psychology and developed a course of independent studies in Nutrition at Wheaton College in Norton,…
Continue reading →The importance of homocysteine
By Dino Celeda, PhD
About the Author Dr. Dino Celeda holds a PhD in Biology from the Ruprecht Karls Universitaet, Heidelberg, Germany where he specialized in Human Genetics. Dr. Celeda’s experience includes a variety of prestigious positions such as Senior R&D Officer, Co-Founder and Director of Genetic Testing. Currently, he serves as the Scientific Officer for Cell Science Systems. Introduction This article shows a few simplified steps on…
Continue reading →(new book) Immunology 4th edition: Clinical Applications in Health and Disease
By Joseph A. Bellanti
Immunology IV: Clinical Applications in Health and Disease, is the most recent contribution in immunology to be authored by Dr. Joseph A. Bellanti and with the publication of this landmark fourth edition all the new findings, knowledge and research in immunology are brought together in one comprehensive, up-to-date volume. The perfect solution not only for faculty seeking to fully present this complex scientific discipline to…
Continue reading →The Alcat Test: How it Works
By Cell Science Systems
English Transcript Text: Maimonides, the 13th century physician and scholar is believed to have said, “anything that can be treated by diet should be treated by diet.” Yet each of us is a unique individual. Hence, diets must be personalized. Personalizing the diet with the Alcat Test: the state of the art testing for food sensitivities. Roger Deutsch CEO and Founder: How often…
Continue reading →Researchers from Yale School of Medicine, Section of Digestive Diseases; and Dept. of Pediatrics, take step in understanding the immunology of food intolerance
By Cell Science Systems
May 23, 2014 DEERFIELD BEACH, FL., May 23, 2014 – Everyone knows the difference between food allergy and food intolerance. Allergy is mediated by a well understood pathway, involving IgE as the final trigger, and it produces immediate symptom onset. It can also be life threatening. Therefore, patients with suspected true food allergy should seek the care of a board certified allergist. Food intolerance is…
Continue reading →(share) Why Your Insurance Company Will Pay You to Take Your Medicine
By Robert J. Szczerba
Robert J. Szczerba Forbes Contributor – Science and Technology Insights & Innovations CEO – X Tech Ventures Summary The healthcare industry is rapidly changing. With continuing education and research, insurance companies are now shifting from a “fee per service” model to a “fee for outcome” model. The new model is more focused on preventive care. The idea is to keep individuals healthy and out of hospitals; this new…
Continue reading →Gut Microbes and Gluten: Your Bacteria Might Be Gluten-Sensitive
By Patricia Shelton MD
Most health-conscious people know about celiac disease, in which the wheat protein gluten leads to an immune reaction that causes serious damage to the lining of the small intestine. Certain features of gluten make it more likely to induce immune responses than other proteins. One key difference is that gluten is less amenable to being broken down by the enzymes that normally digest proteins.…
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